kids invent the darndest things (for social good).

Rome wasn’t built in a day. But these talented youth take on real-world issues in the recent Invention Sprint Workshop for Youths. And all in the span of 3 weeks. There are some who’d say that kids these days are getting smarter, thinking faster and growing quicker than any other generation before. And though the reasons why may be debatable, I for one wholeheartedly agree too. it all STEMs from something. Image credit: ...

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this social media challenge wants you to put your best foot(print) forward.

Temasek Shophouse launches the Carbon Copy Challenge, a new social media movement urging Singaporeans to reduce their carbon footprint one act at a time. Remember when copying anything at school used to earn you several hours of detention? Well how the tables have turned. Earlier this week, Temasek Shophouse, a social impact hub that seeks to encourage, enhance and elevate initiatives and activities that contribute towards the common good, launched a social ...

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