MindChamps Makes History With Patented Breakthrough Methodology.

MindChamps has secured patent protection for its methodology across three major territories: the US, the UK, and Australia.

We’re used to hearing about patents in fields like technology and pharmaceuticals. But when it comes to education, it’s almost unheard of.

To get there, patent examiners in three different regions had to be thoroughly convinced that this unique education programme was truly one of a kind. 

So how did Mindchamps stand out? The programme showcased its remarkable ability to enhance interdisciplinary cognition; a fancy way of saying it helps the brain make sense of and link together skills from different disciplines at the same time.

MindChamps’ approach revolves around a core belief: that the key to unlocking a child’s potential lies in the intersection of five literacies – Numerical, Language, Social, Emotional, and Musical.

Unlike traditional education, where each subject is neatly compartmentalised into its own silo, this methodology draws on the shared concepts between them. In doing so, it creates a synergy, developing an integrated understanding that amplifies learning across the board.

Over the course of a three-year empirical research study, this interdisciplinary method delivered some stunning results. Kids who participated in the programme saw a marked improvement in internationally recognised tests for language (Test of Preschool Early Literacy – ToPEL) and numeracy (Test of Early Mathematics Assessment – TEMA).

But perhaps most impressive was the programme’s impact on musical literacy, where students scored 1.5 standard deviations higher than their peers. These kinds of numbers are hard to ignore, and they’ve caught the attention of some serious players, including the University of South Australia (UniSA).

UniSA’s cognitive neuroscience lab has already begun field tests at MindChamps Preschools in Singapore. Using advanced electroencephalography (EEG) protocols, researchers are studying how this programme engages children’s brains and impacts early development. 

This work is expected to not only inform future learning strategies but also deepen our understanding of how young minds grow and develop.

David Chiem, Founder, Executive Chairman, and Group CEO of MindChamps, mentioned, “For more than 25 years, MindChamps has poured resources into research, programme development, and training.”

“Our Social Charter has always been to challenge the status quo and raise the bar for education globally. And in a world that is rapidly changing thanks to AI, it’s never been more crucial to nurture our children’s minds based on the latest research,” he added.

It’s clear that the landscape of early childhood education is evolving.

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Sean Loo

Futr's managing editor loves all things retro, even though he was born in the late 90s. Even though his main job encompasses tons of driving, he swears he turns off the lights each time he leaves his room.

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