Quenching your thirst has become more than just a trend; it’s a powerful step towards a healthier lifestyle. But for us Singaporeans, this habit comes at a hefty price tag, and in the form of plastic bottles.
Believe it or not, we are the world champions of bottled water consumption, splurging an astonishing S$1,800 per person in 2021! That’s enough plastic bottles to fill a whopping 94 Olympic-sized swimming pools. And it’s not just the environment that suffers; various industries are also feeling the weight of this plastic burden.

Take the tourism sector, for instance. A seemingly modest 200-room four-star hotel can devour a mind-boggling 300,000 pieces of single-use plastic in just one month!
But fear not, for change is on the horizon. Hospitality and F&B players are stepping up to the plate and taking action to reduce disposable plastics. One such initiative is LIXIL, with their GROHE Blue initiative.
LIXIL has partnered with the Accor group to tackle the plastic epidemic head-on. Together, they aim to significantly reduce plastic waste by providing readily-available filtered water dispensers for guests. This encourages guests to bring their own bottles and promote mindful consumption, reducing both water and plastic waste.

In a country where less than 8 per cent of plastic bottles are recycled, initiatives like GROHE Blue are beneficial. Just one hotel alone can save a staggering 4,900 plastic bottles in a single week and prevent a jaw-dropping 255,500 plastic bottles from becoming waste in a year.
These numbers are mind-boggling and truly demonstrate the impact we can make when we come together.
But it’s not just about saving the environment; LIXIL also prioritises customer experience and comfort. That’s why the GROHE Blue two-in-one water system delivers fresh, great-tasting filtered water straight from your kitchen faucet, available 24/7.

LIXIL have since removed all unnecessary plastics from their product packaging, saving 37 million plastic items per year. But their impact doesn’t stop there. LIXIL is also working on a Pacific Ocean clean-up initiative in collaboration with Everwave.
So, my friends, let us join forces and take a stand against plastic waste and embrace mindful consumption. Together, we can create a future where plastic bottles are a thing of the past and our planet thrives once more.
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